Meishusama taught that a world free of sickness, poverty, and discord is within everyone’s reach through the spiritual healing of Jyorei, the practice of Natural Agriculture, and the appreciation of Art and Beauty.

“Gratitude breeds gratitude, discontent spawns discontent. ”
– Meishusama
Meishusama continued to develop his spiritual healing method, eventually calling it Jyorei, which means “purification of the spirit.” After the end of World War II, Meishusama concentrated on creating the organization’s main sanctuaries. He felt that society could be transformed through the power of beauty. Analyzing the reason for his happiness, he stated that it came from “wanting everyone to be peaceful, happy, and fortunate.” The power of Meishusama’s compassion and gratitude transformed the lives of many and sowed seeds for the future betterment of the world.
Meishusama’s physical life ended in 1955 at the age of 72.
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